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New Deliverance Fellowship Ministries, INC New Deliverance Fellowship Ministries, INC

Brotherhood Department Brotherhood Department

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    The word deacon essentially means servant. We use the term "diakonate" for deacons as a body, and the term "diakonia" to describe the work that deacons do (service, support, ministry). The Apostle Paul gave Timothy instructions concerning deacons. He said the deacons must be grave or worthy of respect, not double-tongued but sincere. In 1 Tim. 3:8-13, it's all about character, so we are expected to serve the church by the example of our character, as well as by our deeds. Our effectiveness is determined by the measure of our commitment and faithfulness.
    Some of the deacon's duties include, but not limited to the following:
    Assist the Pastor or Associate Minister in the administration of the ordinances of the church. (Such as Holy Communion and Feet Washing).
    Assist in the collection of church offerings when assigned.
    Support, and encourage the congregation to support the Pastor.
    Make visits to the sick and shut-in when assigned.
    Oversee the physical maintenance of the church, including custodial services and necessary
    Participate in outreach activities and coordinate Men's Fellowship.
    Investigate matters of legal or moral concern when assigned.
    Fulfill the assignment received from the Chairman of the Deacon Board.
    The deacon is to set an example before the congregation. His home must be an example. Our lives as deacons must always include being witnesses for Christ (by precept and example). Our lives and strength as Christians and as Deacons are largely dependent on our qualities of godliness that we have, and that we demonstrate. We must always pray for guidance. Our calling demands a high level of personal and spiritual commitment.